Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ahead of my time...

I haven't posted in a while, so I figured it's about time I wrote something again. So here go a few random thoughts.

Cancer-wise I continue to do well. As you can see on the counter on the top of this blog, I have now made it more than 900 days past my cancer diagnosis, and there is no evidence of disease of that pesky TNBC. Yipee!

Of course I cannot help following the medical literature to see what new and awesome things scientists have discovered (still hoping for a cure!). So just today, I ran into this very interesting note/article saying that scientists have now figured out a way of preventing early menopause and possibly premature ovarian failure in young women with breast cancer. Way to go! It just makes me feel that I am a bit too far ahead of my time...

Note to self: Next time, be more reasonable and wait until ripe old age before contracting major disease. No need really to hurry and jump in prematurely, at a tender age, as I did. Now I only need to figure out how to get my body to listen to myself...

As I continue to adjust to my new post-cancer normal, I also follow along a select group of breast cancer blogs to see how those brave ladies are doing. Sadly, some of them have since died, while others have found out that their cancer not only recurred, but spread. One of them recently posted about a really poignant cartoon about cancer treatment, outlook, and prognosis. So here is my own take on it.

Despite all of the sympathy and support that I have received from so many of you (and thank you, thank you so much for that!), I have often had the feeling that despite your best intentions, others really cannot fully understand/appreciate the unique challenges of this "new post-cancer normal." Actually, I am very happy that you lack the experiences that would allow you have a first-hand insight into cancer life -- and I hope that it continues to remain that way. If you know first-hand, I'm very sorry for you. In any case, you blissful folks really should check out this cartoon - careful though, it may be thought-provoking...

Are these enough random thoughts for you? Or at least random enough thoughts?


MK+ said...

900+ days is an AWESOME accomplishment!!! And you are right -- there is no way that we can know or understand the challenges you face. If we say or do the wrong thing, please know that it is only done out of love, and with the best of intentions. Tell us what we can do to be better friends and supporters. We love you and we are proud of you!!!!

Arla said...

As a fellow TNBC I say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to you! Yay for 900 days! I completely understand the challenges, the laughter, the tough days, the teary ones, and most of all, every single one in which we are so grateful just to be alive.

Wishing you another 900 very blessed TNBC free days....hugs to you. Arla

Ashley Williams said...

It's really nice to see the blog so active and updating with thought provoking articles!!

Arla said...

As a fellow TNBC, I totally get the cartoon and exactly how you feel. Hang in there - you are almost 1000 days!! woohoo!!