Thursday, September 17, 2009

Part-time work week done!

It's hard to believe, but I made it through my first full part-time work week. I stayed a little longer at work today and chatted with a co-worker whose mother-in-law is about to start chemo. After that I came home and the phone rang off the hook. A couple of phone calls later I was more than ready for my afternoon nap. Ah, I need those naps so badly these days, particularly since I rarely sleep more than four or five hours before those hot flashes wake and keep me up. 

Still, I can feel that I am beginning to get stronger. The neuropathy also continues to improve bit by bit. It is so much easier these days that I may actually get my life back in the foreseeable future. Next week will be better already, and the next week after that will be better yet. 


M said...

That is great news!!! Keep going -- every day and every week gets a little bit easier!

Starman said...

I think it is absolutely amazing that you went back to work 4 days after a rigorous 8 dose, 16 week regimen of pushing your body to the limits.

I am in awe of your abilities, and you should not even for a second be down on yourself for any troubles you had this week.

Super kudos!!!