Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ah, the energy

Yesterday I didn't feel so hot as I battled a headache all afternoon, but today was an entirely different story. I had more energy than I've had in a while and finally tackled some stuff I've been meaning to get done. It's the end of the day now, and my desk is cleared of a bunch of customer complaints that I had been judiciously avoiding for so long. The dreaded pile of evaluations I've been needing to write are done. The towering stack of bills is paid. Some letters I needed to take care of are written. And I've started catching up on my emails. Not too bad for me for a day's work -- these days, anyway.

On top of that, I took the dog for a quickie morning walk, and a really long evening walk that included a few steep hills. I think this may be my first post-surgery workout when I've actually worked up a touch of sweat! I'm still nowhere close to my pre-cancer shape, but at least I'm getting in some moderate exercise. Ah, the energy! Actually, when I decided to go on the walk I was so tired that I was contemplating an afternoon nap. But since I needed to drop off something at the post office, and since the dog and I had been cooped up those past few days due to the bad weather, I decided a walk would be better. And indeed it did! I was still tired when we got back, but I nonetheless managed to make dinner. 

Today was thus a pretty productive day for me. Hey, it feels good to be almost normal!!! 

I'm so glad that I feel much stronger and more like myself again. However, I can feel a strange pain in the roots of my hairs (didn't even know those could hurt...go figure!) and gradually I'm shedding more hairs than normal. Of course I'm hyper-vigilant since I know what's supposed to happen, but I swear these must the first stages of my hair coming out.

Interestingly, so far it seems the grey ones fall out first -- whatever that means! So it remains to be seen how much I will feel like myself once the hair is gone. But I'll deal with that once it comes. For right now I'm feeling really good, and almost ready to face another cocktail hour with the "red devil." Let's hope that tomorrow will be at least as good a day!