Saturday, May 2, 2009


No, I'm not getting onto a bike, but today felt like the first 'real' day of our IVF cycle. For the first time, I was taking not only the letrozole to protect my breast, but also took the first hormone shots.  Although I really do NOT like needles, it turns out that the subcutaneous ones do not really bother me much. The needles are really thin, so it's not a big deal. 

Apparently, what I really don't like is when somebody sticks needles into my veins. Let me correct myself again, I don't even mind when they stick needles into my vein. Rather, I mind two other things:  when they dig around to find a vein and just cannot find it (palpate for veins, dear nurses, don't just look -- mine know how to hide!) and when I get thrombophlebitis afterwards since my veins don't care for the mechanical aggravation nor the plastic thingie inside 

So I managed to give myself those injections with no problem at all. What a relief.  We are thus well on our way towards putting frosties on dry ice. Now my body just needs to do its part in response to all those hormones. To verify it does I will need to have monitoring sessions almost every day. During the week I can go to a satellite office closer to home, but on weekends we'll hav to trudge into the big bad again...

The day started cool and rainy, but improved greatly in the afternoon. so we went out for a decent walk while the sun was out. It was lovely, and I managed to walk up and down out of my own power and entirely without the backup of the wheelchair. That was exciting. 

So we continue on our cycle...

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