Thursday, May 14, 2009


The IVF lab called today around noon with our fertilization results. We didn't do half bad! They had retrieved seventeen eggs yesterday, and eight of those turned out to be immature. This is not unexpected, as the letrozole tablets they have given me increase the follicle size without necessarily increasing egg maturity. 

Of the nine mature eggs, seven fertilized after ICSI (intracytoplastic sperm injection). So as of right now, we have seven little pre-embies which are hopefully dividing like good little pre-embies are supposed to do. 

We may lose some of those pre-embies yet before they're ready to freeze, and only 60% of frozen ones are expected to survive the thawing out process at some point in the future. Nonetheless, this is far more than they doctors told me we might get, so needless to say, both DH and I are very happy with the results of this cycle so far!!! This was excellent news!!! We might actually have a realistic chance to have a child together, after all.

What a nice gift to receive for our tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow...

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