Saturday, August 1, 2009

And here comes the next crisis .... ???

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me, but today the protective effects of the decadron have worn off. Funny how I dislike its side effects, but how I cannot seem to live without it, either... So this morning around 5 a.m. I awoke from a fitful sleep because my arms, legs, and joints were hurting like nobody's business. Even my fingertips were painful, feeling tingly and burny. Not a good feeling to awaken to...

On top of it all, I felt hot and sweaty and had chills. So I took my temperature, and found that it was at 99.9 F. Over the next hour or two, it rose to 100.4 F, just under the magic line that requires an urgent call to the doctor. Yikes, I don't like the way this looks nor feels. 

Luckily, that bone and joint pain got much better once I started moving about some and stretching. Right now it is just a dull ache in the joints. DH made breakfast for us and made me some decaf coffee so I could replenish lost fluids. That helped me feel better, too. The temperature also seems to be receding a bit, staying just barely above 100 F, or even slightly below. What a way to spend our anniversary...

Thus I am hoping that I will continue to improve as the day goes on, although I am worried that this will require yet another trip to the ER and/or stay in the hospital until it's all sorted out. Yet I would really, really like to avoid that, as the last trip wasn't all that much fun...

I'll keep you updated.

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