Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chemo #7 done!!!

I am very happy to report that I made it though chemo #7, a taxol round, without any major allergic incident. Although I had approximately four instances where I started flushing and sweating, they were pretty mild and subsided on their own without necessitating anti-allergy drugs and an interruption to the infusion. Maybe they were just chemopausal hotflashes or something...

In any case, I am very glad the whole thing went over without major incident. The greatest complication was the Dr. V had not put in a written order for IV versions of all the premedications. I had to mention it to the nurse, who then had to get the doctor's written approval to proceed with IV medications. This confusion and the subsequent extra infusions lengthened the process a bit, of course. It was seven p.m. by the time we finally got to go home.

So now it's only ONE MORE taxol round I have to survive. Oh, and of course I yet have to survive the side effects of this round. Tomorrow I will give myself a neulasta shot again, to boost my white counts in anticipation of potential travel this cycle. Last time I took it, I tolerated it pretty well, but hopefully the neulasta will not have a weird synergetic pain effect with the taxol. Oh well, I guess I'll find out for myself soon. I even managed to have the neulasta and my lovenox refill delivered today, just in time for tomorrow's injection. It all seems to be working out.

I'm sleepy tonight from the IV benadryl. I think I'll call it a day soon, folks.


Angela said...

Excellent news! I look forward to hearing more good news.

In about an hour and a half, I'm off to MA. I'll probably arrive there around 4ish. I'll check in then to see if you've updated anything.

Noelle said...

Congratulations on getting through another round! I'm glad your immune system was more reasonable about things this time, and didn't have any big allergic reactions!

MKB said...

Awesome news!!! Rest up and let the good poison do its work!