Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Still close to the line

I don't know what it is, but every afternoon I seem to get the chills, and then my temperature climbs up to just under 100 degrees. Luckily it has stayed there so far, and then dropped again later in the evening. But still, I keep getting close to the magic line -- and that has me very, very uneasy. That last hospital stay is still too fresh in my memory... 

The numbness and tingling in my hands and feet is intensifying. Looks like I'll have to have a serious talk with my poison man on Monday to discuss whether I can continue with the chemo as planned. Permanent nerve damage may not be something I want to risk. I've been taking vitamin B6, but it hasn't gotten any better. Maybe I need to take the vitamins for longer before they can make a difference.

Despite the numbness, I have had less pain and have scaled back the pain meds to the point where all I took today was a half a vicodin in the morning. To get moving again, I even went for a walk with DH and the doggie this morning, and then again tonight after it cooled down sufficiently to venture outside. Each walk wasn't terribly long, but it wasn't a mere "once around the block" either. It feels good to be moving again!!!

Oddly, my insect stings made a 'comeback' this morning, when they reappeared as two inch diameter, red, raised, and itch plaques. Last night I couldn't even tell where they had been, but I suppose the benadryl wore off and the allergic reaction made a comeback. I'll have to take the benadryl for a few days, I suppose, before this is over. Oh well, sleeping a lot during this heat wave may not be the worst thing...